31 December 2006


We are often curious as to who might be reading our blog. Today I added a list of books we're reading. If you notice this post and have a new book suggestion for us, could you leave us a post? We love suggestions for new books. Our friend Gladys recently loaned us When Crickets Cry, by Charles Martin. I really enjoyed the book. Martin portrays a gripping story about heart transplants, grieving, love, relationships, healing, and examing the state of our hearts. A Severe Mercy by Sheldon Vanauken is a book I also finished a few weeks ago. That is an amazing love story - love between a couple and God's mercy and love upon the couple. Also, an intimate look at grieving. In college we had read the book after it was recommended by a friend (thanks Sarah Z.!), and it was time to reread it.


  1. I'm reading "the gospel according to Moses" at the moment, it's a fascinating look at how Jesus fulfilled the prophecies of the Old Testament. I'm really enjoying it, and it's got some great ideas - definitely a thought-provoking one :)

  2. Thanks for the recommendation, Anna! We recently read The Chronicles of the Kings by Lynn Austin. It's a fictional series about King Hezekiah and what his life might have been like. The books really helped me better understand the Old Testament and the meaning behind the ceremonies/sacrifices that God asked of his people. A very worth-while read...

  3. Ah...I didn't miss my wife's birthday as you so willingly pointed out. I knew full well it was the 27th...I also knew that the 27th would be a day to hang out with my wife on her birthday which would not allow me the time to post it on the wonderful blog...so I took the liberty of addressing the matter early.

  4. As far as books go...

    I just read "Everybody Wants to Go to Heaven but Nobody Wants to Die" by the beloved David Crowder. It's a good read on the nature of the soul and death and suffering.

    I'm also reading right now "Eat This Book" by Eugene Peterson. It's very good.

  5. You read books with very interesting titles, Jacob:). Thanks for the suggestions!

  6. Here is my suggestion, "In a pit with a lion on a snowy day" by Mark Batterson. Good stuff.

  7. Yes,that is fine...you may link to me...anyone can...the more the merrier.


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