23 August 2010

Burned Toast, Butterflies, and Babies

After a month away from blogging, we surely have much to thank God regarding bats, babies, and more:)...

And so we count numbers 418-446 with the gratitude community, because it is good to count all He's done in our lives and recount it to the next generation or any who will hear! Hoping this helps you connect with Him above all and with us a bit, too.

new life planted to celebrate new life coming
heavy peach trees
unhooked pickup
burned toast

glory out our front yard

babies and babies

the pop of sealed jars
little nudges giving reason to can baby food

birthday celebration
39th wedding anniversaries and 40th wedding anniversaries back to back for loving parents

surprise winged beauties on pasture

surprise winged critters outside! screens:)

Daddy's shoulders
little boy loving being with his Daddy

Uncles still farming carpets
rattling in lungs
rattling in lungs cleared

helpers canning peaches
sticky floors
little one learning of death from little butterflies on the road
home fellowship
hurting friend coming home

wonderful visit from Colorado friends
books on cd while snipping beans
gifts of picked green beans
2 year old questions on love and selfishness and meanness
date nights
cyber-friends blessed with two new little ones, sharing their stories of grieving and joy

Click on the banner below to join with others thanking God in the Gratitude Community...

holy experience


  1. You did it, Angela! Way to go! Loved the updates and beautiful pictures!!!!

    God's blessings to all three + of you!!!! :)

  2. i think i'm reading this correctly - are you guys expecting?!? yippee!

  3. You're right, Crystal...:). We're a bit excited, too!

  4. It was so good to see you in August! Time goes too fast.


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