15 July 2008

Stumbling Upon Creation

We have a small area of pasture next to our house. Currently the dry cows are enjoying the grass on it (no more watching them deliver from our bedroom!:)). The other day Jonathan went out to move their waterer and wires (rotational grazing). Abraham and I watched from the yard as the waterer snuck away from Jonathan and floated down the creek like a little boat...

All chuckled out and getting hot, we headed back toward shade. After Jonathan finished he found us and sent us on a quest in the pasture. He said he had found an amazing little nest in the grass and wondered if we would take some pictures of it...

So, off we went with directions to head southeast of the waterer yea feet...We almost gave up! That little nest was well hidden, but when we did stumble upon it I was so glad we didn't give up!

Some little bird worked so hard on this nest! It is woven into three large plants about three feet in the air. The nest material is tightly wrapped around the plant stems in three anchors. What a mighty Creator we serve! These birds were designed to do this! Does anyone know what bird would have made it? Great find, my lovin' man!

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous7:55 am

    Maybe it was a killdeer.. killdeer, killdeer, killdeer!!


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