10 October 2011

Corn Silage

 Chopping corn silage at Janowiak's last week. In case you didn't realize, farms around here are referred to by the landowner (Uncle Jim!) or previous landowner way-back-when's last name.

The happy Jr. Crew watching and cheering on. Isn't this sweet? Ah, brothers... 

 Argh, BROTHERS!! ;)

Happiness momentarily restored so Mama could take some more pictures, until. . . argh, DADDY! Can you spot how Jonathan decided to have some fun? May the silage be with you. ;)


  1. Grandma Shupe8:40 pm

    This is a winning picture of your family!!!!!!! Beautiful!!!!!!!!! Who took it? What a lovely post! The Mama sure is beautiful!!!!!!!! :)

  2. Wow, you got some really good pictures in there. I definitely is nice seeing whats going on during harvest time. Was it fun cleaning the silage out of their hair that they got showered with:)

  3. Thanks Angela. Seeing those pictures bring back good memories of Merlin and I farming together. We worked hard at it just like Jon's family is doing now.


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