30 August 2009

Drinking Deep of Melancholy

Yesterday Abraham's Uncle Lu left for his new job on the other side of the continent. We are happy and excited for him that he got the very job at the very school he most wanted, the very day before school started. Yet thoughts of him gone are causing us to drink deep. We get to think about him much throughout the day, as many things we see or say cause Abraham to say "Andrew?!" They are especially good buddies. And for that we are very thankful.
It reminds me of the Christian Walk. So much of it is sorrowful yet always rejoicing.


  1. What lovely pictures and memories of a great summer with Andrew - our "Mighty Man of God"! Thanks for the message. Lovingly, Mom :)

  2. Always this mingling of happiness and sorrow, yes?


    Thank you for grace-filled words...

    All's grace,


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