25 April 2008

An Excellent Book

Image used from www.booksonthepath.com

Kristin B. inspired me with her question on our last post (thanks Kristin!) as to whether or not I liked this book. I just finished the book last week and have been meaning to take it off our book list. God's providence...I'm glad I left it!

We cannot recommend this book highly enough. We first heard about it at the Desiring God conference and picked it up at their book sale. I recently ordered a bunch of them through Cumberland Valley Books (on sale $9.99 through 4/30/08) to give as shower presents and gifts.

Here is a little excerpt...

"The profoundest issue is what happens in the heart. Your concern is to unmask your child's sin, helping him to understand how it reflects a heart that has strayed. That leads to the cross of Christ. It underscores the need for a Savior. It provides opportunities to show the glories of God who sent his Son to change hearts and free people enslaved to sin.

This emphasis is the fundamental tenet of this book: The heart is the wellspring of life. Therefore, parenting is concerned with shepherding the heart. You must learn to work from the behavior you see, back to the heart, exposing heart issues for your children. In short, you must learn to engage them, not just reprove them. Help them see the ways that they are trying to slake their souls' thirst with that which cannot satisfy. You must help your kids gain a clear focus on the cross of Christ...

You shepherd your child in God's behalf. The task God has given you is not one that can be conveniently scheduled. It is a pervasive task. Training and shepherding are going on whenever you are with your children. Whether waking, walking, talking or resting, you must be involved in helping your child to understand life, himself, and his needs from a biblical perspective (Deuteronomy 6:6-7)."

I underlined so much in this book to share with Jonathan (he is waaaay too short on sleep to read much right now). I know I am a new parent, but this is the best book on parenting that I have read by far. "We know that the greatest delights our children can ever experience are found in delighting in the God who has made them for his glory," states Tripp. This is what we hope and pray for Abraham. I believe the wisdom and practical, biblically based guidelines in this book will be referred to over and over by our family. At the end of each chapter there are also excellent discussion questions that we didn't even get into.

And if you need more encouragement to read it, these are words from Elisabeth Elliot..."I am glad to recommend this book for its remarkably clear, biblical, and practical teaching. Earnest fathers and mothers will find it also eminently 'do-able.'"


  1. Thanks, Ang! I'm going to go look for that book this week. I've devoured a few other parenting books as well, but they covered more of the early child rearing situations and not all were from biblical perspectives so I'm hungry for that insight. Thanks for the recommendation! We know that you and Jonathan will be/are wonderful parents.

  2. Let me know what you think, Kristin! Hope you enjoy it!


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