This picture does nothing to show the grandeur of what's been happening around the farm lately in the evening. Hundreds and hundreds of geese have been spending their nights on the Irrigation Pond (just north of "The Tunnel"). Each evening they circle around preparing to land. This is a shot of them circling over the farm ( 1/4 mile South of the Pond). Grandma Shupe, Abraham, Enoch and I watched them land the other night. What a beautiful sound. A Canada Goose Symphony to God! They praise Him too. Don't believe me? You need to watch this video by Louis Giglio from the Desiring God conference that Jonathan, Aaron and good friend Blake attended. Oh, it is sooo good...please watch at least through the middle - the whales and the stars...
And here is Daddy tickling Enoch
Some corn silage in action. Love that Tractor Driver...
Favorite lil' farmers
Silly Mama, Silly Enoch
Silage by Night
Very nice, looks like you guys have been having a adventurous fall. Looks like you had a good time driving around in your portable "office" with Enoch. Hope your fall continues to be filled with many blessings and adventures.